

For most of my life I don’t think I was ever a good friend. It’s something I only learnt in the recent years when I start to realize that it takes effort, and not just chemistry.

One of the gestures that made me realize how shit of a friend I am is when this friend of mine – whom I’m even that close to – made handmade personalized gifts – which looks AMAZING – and on top of that, bought a legit present (a shirt for me) which she thinks we’ll personally like, for everyone in the clique when she was studying overseas. Since then, I’ve tried to be better.

Other than me being the private person that I am, while there are times when I do want to socialize, there are usually 2 things that restraints me. Money and activity. It’s not that I’m broke as hell but sometimes it just costs too much to hang out with certain groups. Fortunately I don’t succumb to pressure that easily.

Secondly, the activity. My group of friends really like playing card games, bowling and playing a certain online game. Sorry but I just don’t enjoy those. And when I do join, it’s for the sake of being with them.

I honestly just want to talk lol.

Oh, and there’s this quote which I posted on Instagram about 2 years ago which made a great impact on how I treat relationships:

friend quote



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